Pam’s Pro Tip #100

Pam Foley
4 min readOct 21, 2021


“100” written in large gold balloons with gold confetti

Dear Neighbor,

Pam’s Pro Tip #100. One hundred weeks of Pro Tips! Can you believe it?!

In celebration of my 100th Pro Tip, I have put together a document of the top 10 previous Pro Tips that I still consider helpful and relevant today. Below, find information on how to get involved in the Redistricting process, where to access the City’s Pavement Story Map, accessibility tips, & more.

Pam’s Pro Tip #4: Electricity bills are pretty complicated. But! San Jose Clean Energy has a nifty website and video to help you understand your bill.

San Jose Clean Energy Understanding Your Bill Youtube thumbnail

Pam’s Pro Tip #8: As we prepare for the holidays with family and friends, let’s be sure to know the signs of a potential stroke. You never know who’s life you might save!

Knows The Signs of a Stroke. BEFAST. Balance: sudden loss of balance or headaches. Eyes: is vision blurry? Face: does one side of the face droop? Arm: is one arm or leg weak or numb? Speech: is speech slurred or strange? Time: call 9–1–1 immediately!

Pam’s Pro Tip #21: Have you visited the new San Jose 311 site or downloaded the updated mobile app? 311 is traditionally the non-emergency number to call for reporting issues, requesting city services, & asking questions. Now you can do all of that online too!

Local representatives standing in front of San Jose 311 banners.

Pam’s Pro Tip #30: Did you know that the City of San Jose has resources to help you on your path to building an ADU? Start with the Pathway to a Completed ADU document for everything you need from start to finish.

Grey ADU bulding

Pam’s Pro Tip #51: Seek out new access tips every week! Here’s one: By utilizing the option to add Alt Text to your posts, you can provide blind & low vision individuals access to online visual information. Watch this simple 60 second video to learn how!

Alt Text in a Snap #AccessThat Youtube video thumbail

Pam’s Pro Tip #65: I encourage you to set an environment-friendly goal for this year — like recycling right! It’s easy to get started. Use this resource to read about some of the City’s simple and impactful recycling tips.

San Jose Recycles Clean. For more information, visit:

Pam’s Pro Tip #88: Use this online tool to help the California Citizens Redistricting Commission learn about your community. They’re creating California’s new statewide election districts — redistricting — a process that happens every 10 years.

DrawMyCACommunity map

Pam’s Pro Tip #92: At least half of the water used by the typical Santa Clara County homeowner is used outdoors. For outdoor conservation resources, including lawn care tips, sprinkler & irrigation best practices, & more, please visit the Valley Water website. Every drop that you save matters. We’re all in this together!

Outdoor Conservation landing page on the Valley Water website

Pam’s Pro Tip #94: Safely take your vaccination card with you wherever you go. Simply register for your Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record and follow the directions at on the COVID Wallet app website for quick, convenient, & protected access through the Apple Wallet on your iPhone. And if you have an Android device follow the directions here to find out how you can store a digital copy of your COVID vaccination and test information as a COVID Card. QR code with an arrow pointing to the Apple Wallet widget

Pam’s Pro Tip #95: Want to know when your street is getting paved? Check out the City’s pavement story map! It shows our work as it progresses, & also has a tab showing the next three years of paving projects mapped out through 2023.

screenshot of the San Jose Pavement Story Map





Pam Foley
Pam Foley

Written by Pam Foley

Wife & Mother. Former SJUSD Trustee. Real Estate Professional. Rotarian. Housing Advocate. San José District 9 City Councilmember & Proud San Jose Booster

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