Dear Neighbor,
Pam’s Pro Tip #100. One hundred weeks of Pro Tips! Can you believe it?!
In celebration of my 100th Pro Tip, I have put together a document of the top 10 previous Pro Tips that I still consider helpful and relevant today. Below, find information on how to get involved in the Redistricting process, where to access the City’s Pavement Story Map, accessibility tips, & more.
Pam’s Pro Tip #4: Electricity bills are pretty complicated. But! San Jose Clean Energy has a nifty website and video to help you understand your bill.
Pam’s Pro Tip #8: As we prepare for the holidays with family and friends, let’s be sure to know the signs of a potential stroke. You never know who’s life you might save!
Pam’s Pro Tip #21: Have you visited the new San Jose 311 site or downloaded the updated mobile app? 311 is traditionally the non-emergency number to call for reporting issues, requesting city services, & asking questions. Now you can do all of that online too!
Pam’s Pro Tip #30: Did you know that the City of San Jose has resources to help you on your path to building an ADU? Start with the Pathway to a Completed ADU document for everything you need from start to finish.
Pam’s Pro Tip #51: Seek out new access tips every week! Here’s one: By utilizing the option to add Alt Text to your posts, you can provide blind & low vision individuals access to online visual information. Watch this simple 60 second video to learn how!
Pam’s Pro Tip #65: I encourage you to set an environment-friendly goal for this year — like recycling right! It’s easy to get started. Use this resource to read about some of the City’s simple and impactful recycling tips.
Pam’s Pro Tip #88: Use this online tool to help the California Citizens Redistricting Commission learn about your community. They’re creating California’s new statewide election districts — redistricting — a process that happens every 10 years.
Pam’s Pro Tip #92: At least half of the water used by the typical Santa Clara County homeowner is used outdoors. For outdoor conservation resources, including lawn care tips, sprinkler & irrigation best practices, & more, please visit the Valley Water website. Every drop that you save matters. We’re all in this together!
Pam’s Pro Tip #94: Safely take your vaccination card with you wherever you go. Simply register for your Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record and follow the directions at on the COVID Wallet app website for quick, convenient, & protected access through the Apple Wallet on your iPhone. And if you have an Android device follow the directions here to find out how you can store a digital copy of your COVID vaccination and test information as a COVID Card.
Pam’s Pro Tip #95: Want to know when your street is getting paved? Check out the City’s pavement story map! It shows our work as it progresses, & also has a tab showing the next three years of paving projects mapped out through 2023.